Industrial Applications
With a wide range of products arkhon could support from simple up to any high demanding project.
Superior aesthetics and quality of the products bring solutions in challenging projects all over the world in the harshest environments, such us seafront buildings or buildings in places with acidic environment.
You can build id using

Horizon Polyurethane Panels
Thermally insulating polyurethane panels, with hidden joints and ability to be mounted both vertically and horizontally. Smart hidden joints with double locks, ensure continuous watertight surfaces with unique thermal and sound insulation.

Strong Metal Purlins
Proactively recaptiualize best-of-breed models through timely value. Completely simplify competitive quality vectors for corporate metrics. Synergistically promote intuitive information and excellent scenarios. Competently leverage existing client-centered.

Sky Polyurethane Panels
Arkhon’s thermally insulating polyurethane panel, Sky, is the best solution for cost effective constructions with spectacular aesthetics.
Important accessories